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Non Compete Clause Switzerland

Non-Compete Clauses and Employer Protections

Legal Requirements and Provisions for Post-Contractual Restrictions

Article 340a Paragraph 1 CO

In accordance with Article 340a paragraph 1 CO, a non-compete clause necessitates both spatial and temporal restrictions, as well as an objective justification for such restrictions.

Article 340 et al CO

As per Article 340 et al CO, employers may use non-compete clauses to prohibit former employees from engaging in competitive activities following their departure.

Validity Requirements

For a post-contractual non-compete obligation to be enforceable within an employment agreement, it must adhere to several provisions, including:

  • Clear delineation of prohibited activities
  • Geographical and temporal limitations
  • Legitimate business interests protected by the clause
  • Reasonableness and proportionality of restrictions

Enforceability of Post-Contractual Clauses

Post-contractual non-compete and non-solicitation clauses may be legally binding if all of the following conditions are met:

  • They are clearly defined and unambiguous
  • They do not impose undue hardship on the former employee
  • They protect legitimate business interests of the employer
  • They balance the employer's interests with the employee's right to work

By fulfilling these legal requirements and provisions, employers can effectively utilize non-compete clauses to protect their business interests while ensuring fairness to former employees.
