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Non Compete Clause Example Australia


Non-Compete Clauses in Australia: A Guide for Employers


A non-compete clause is a legal agreement between an employer and an employee that restricts the employee from working for a competing company or starting their own business in a similar field after their employment ends. Non-compete clauses are designed to protect an employer's confidential information, trade secrets, and customer relationships.

Legal Requirements for Non-Compete Clauses in Australia

To be enforceable in Australia, a non-compete clause must be reasonable in terms of its:

  • Duration
  • Geographic scope
  • Scope of activities restricted

The courts will consider several factors when determining whether a non-compete clause is reasonable, including:

  • The nature of the employee's position
  • The level of confidential information the employee has access to
  • The potential impact on the employer's business if the employee were to compete
  • li>The potential impact on the employee's ability to earn a living

Potential Impact on Employees and Competition

Non-compete clauses can have a significant impact on employees and competition.


Non-compete clauses can limit an employee's ability to earn a living by restricting their ability to work in their chosen field.


Non-compete clauses can reduce competition in the market by preventing employees from starting their own businesses or working for competing companies.


Non-compete clauses can be a valuable tool for employers in protecting their confidential information and customer relationships. However, it is important to ensure that non-compete clauses are reasonable and do not unduly restrict an employee's ability to earn a living.

If you are considering using a non-compete clause in your business, it is important to seek legal advice to ensure that the clause is enforceable.

